Current projects
Total number of projects: 8
Política, ideologías y actitudes lingüísticas en la Espana y América de los siglos XVIII y XIX: un acercamiento desde los textos periodísticos y gramaticales (PID2020-115226GB-I00)
MU Researcher: doc. Mgr. Ivo Buzek, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Arts Project Period: 9/2021 — 8/2025Investor: Ostatní - foreign / Other foreign funds -
CEEPUS FISH (French, Italian, SpanisH) - Romance Languages and Cultures - Strategies of Communication and Culture Transfer in Central Europe (CEEPUS HU-0809-12-2425 - FISH)
MU Researcher: doc. PhDr. Alena Němcová Polická, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Arts Project Period: 9/2024 — 8/2025Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR / CEEPUS III -
Partnerství v síti CEEPUS RO-0814-12-2425 Red de Hispanistas de Europa Central y Oriental (CEEPUS RO-0814-12-2425 Red de Hispanistas)
MU Researcher: doc. Mgr. Daniel Vázquez Touriño, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Arts Project Period: 9/2024 — 8/2025Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR / CEEPUS III -
Badatelská výuka s využitím AI ve výuce historie španělského jazyka (MUNI/IVV/1366/2024)
MU Researcher: doc. Mgr. Daniel Vázquez Touriño, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Arts Project Period: 1/2025 — 12/2025Investor: Masaryk University / Innovations in teaching -
Románské jazyky a románské literatury v pohybu (MUNI/A/1519/2024)
MU Researcher: doc. Mgr. Ivo Buzek, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Arts Project Period: 1/2025 — 12/2025Investor: Masaryk University / Specific research - support for student projects -
Podpora a rozvoj MUNI 2025 (ROZV/PPRO/01/2025)
MU Researcher: prof. JUDr. Radim Polčák, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Rector's Office Project Period: 1/2025 — 12/2025Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR / Development Programmes -
Úvod do dějin, kultury a reálii Itálie I a II (MUNI/FF-ELEARN/0007/2025)
MU Researcher: Mgr. Magdaléna Nahálková MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Arts Project Period: 2/2025 — 12/2025Investor: Masaryk University / Internal projects of the Faculty of Arts -
LEA! Reading communities, shaping identities (2023-1-PT01-KA220-HED-000158582)
MU Researcher: doc. PhDr. Petr Dytrt, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Arts Project Period: 9/2023 — 8/2026Investor: European Union / Erasmus+ Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Total number of publications: 1153
Indiáni a kolonisté : o jedné z identitárních představ indiána v quebecké literatuře
Literatura jako svědectví paměti, year: 2022
Innovación y redes en la novela espaňola de los sesenta. Juan Goytisolo
ETUDES ROMANES DE BRNO, year: 2022, volume: 43, edition: 1, DOI
Interprétation des codes culturels dans le cadre de la traduction intersémiotique du roman de Romain Gary "La promesse de l’aube" dans le langage cinématographique
CONCORDIA DISCORS vs DISCORDIA CONCORS Researches into Comparative Literature, Contrastive Linguistics, Cross-Cultural and Translation Strategies. INTERMEDIALITY : TRANSLATION, ADAPTATION, PERFORMANCE (I), year: 2022
La mort de Catherine Mavrikakis
La Mort, Actes de la XXIXe Université française de l'Association Jan Hus, year: 2022
La Mort. Actes de la XIXe Université française d'été de l'Association Jan Hus Brno.
Year: 2022
La sinceritat i la franquesa com a estratègies pragmàtiques
Estudios Románicos, year: 2022, volume: 31, edition: 01.05.2022, DOI
Le Malḥûn : un patrimoine oral et spirituel. Le cas d’une qṣeḍa de Sidi Qaddür el-‘Alami
Semeion Med, year: 2022, volume: neuveden, edition: 7
Le versioni francesi del Fiore di virtù
Romania. Revue consacré a l'étude des langues et des littératures romanes, year: 2022, volume: 140, edition: 557/558
Les courtes histoires absurdes du "Chapman-Cook speed of reading-test" : analyse linguistique d’un test cognitif original
Texto ! Textes et Cultures, year: 2022, volume: 27, edition: 3
Los errores de pronunciación de aprendientes checos de ELE y su potencial pedagógico en la formación de profesores
Doblele espanol lengua extranjera, year: 2022, volume: 8, edition: prosinec 2022, DOI