Pozvánka na obhajobu disertační práce a státní doktorskou zkoušku
středa 15. ledna 2025 od 10:00 a od 13.00 hod.
Ve dnech 8. - 9. září proběhlo 6. setkání mezinárodní sítě "hiphopologů" s velmi pestrým programem.
V průběhu dvou dnů si účastníci poslechli 15 příspěvků, které byly současně streamovány online.
Zároveň měli možnost zúčastnit se doprovodného programu (v paralelním pátečním bloku proběhly tři přednášky v češtině ke Dni slangu a neologie, na trávníku před knihovnou se roztancovali zájemci o workshop breakdance a konferenci završila komentovaná procházka po Brně a “Rapová konference”, tedy vystoupení dýdžejů Sahiho a Iena a rapperů Sateho a Hopsena Clarka na afterparty pod Petrovem v klubu Na Dráze).
The 6th meeting of the international network of "hiphopologists" took place on 8-9 September and brought a very diverse programme.
Over the course of two days, participants listened to 15 presentations that were streamed online in the same time.
Also, they had the opportunity to participate in the accompanying programme (within the parallel Friday session, three lectures in Czech were held on the Day of Slang and Neology, those interested in the breakdance workshop danced on the lawn in front of the library, and the conference was topped off with a guided walk around Brno and a "Rap Conference": a performance by DJs Sahi and Ien and rappers Sate and Hopsen Clark at the afterparty under Petrov in the Na Dráze club).
Záznamy a prezentace přednášejících (budou postupně doplňovány):
Recordings and presentations of speakers (to be added over time):
Podhorná-Polická Alena
Argot, néologie et hip hop: retour sur les 14 ans d’existence du corpus de rap francophone RapCor
Abdali Dastan
Looking at Rap as part of ‘the Culture’: Towards a Hip-Hop Methodology
Beočanin Jelena
Lost in Transition? The Balkans and the study of hip hop in European context
Höppner Ruben
"Jsem cigán, čávo z ulice": staged authenticity and semantic emancipation in Czech CigánRa
Gatti Giuseppe
Made with Italy: Exploring Italian Signs in the American Hip-hop Generation (1973-1989)
Vandevert John David (online)
Frustrating Decolonialism: Hip Hop in the “Global East” and The Question of (In)dependence
Rollefson J. Griffith
Black Lives Matter = End Direct Provision: Glocal Solidarities in the Ubuntu Project (2021-22)
Martín-Juan Celeste
Dusting the library: Recovering the memory of Hip Hop Communication
Seye Sidy
#IAMHIPHOP - Hip Hop Science Club
Corona Victor & Danos Felix
Noise and foreignness in French Marseillais rap: a linguistic anthropology approach of songs by Jul
Federico Sara
Se légitimer à travers la langue: quelles pratiques langagières et artistiques pour les rappeuses en Méditerranée?
Rademacher Max
From the streets to academia and back: Identifying reciprocal pathways between hip hop knowledge and practice
Gilbers Steven & Abdali Dastan
Comparing Dutch and American rap: A linguistic, musicological and anthropological approach to studying flow cross-linguistically and cross-culturally
Bužoka Anete
After the SoundCloud Era: Current Trends and Tendencies of the Estonian Hip-Hop Scene
Agaogullari Sesim Gokmen
Femcees of Turkey: Hip-hop as a research area to uncover gender issues
Singh Jaspal Naveel
Hip hop as southern theory